Listening to music, sounds, noises: these are the high points of Improv 09. Along with “Weibershow” and “Improv 09’s Search for the Super Scene”, the superb “Grand Prix de L’Improvisation” will take place at the Mehringhof Theatre. Our special guest Christopher Noodt from the Berlin cult band “Ohrbooten” will invite you to his programme “Noodt macht erfinderisch” (a word game; Noodt sounds like Not, meaning emergency, so this saying translates roughly to “necessity is the mother of invention”).
Two exciting improv formats will be shown at the Ratibor: on two evenings there will be an improvised radio play with by the professional Foley artist Peter Sandmann, and at two performances the question will be “What’s the groove?” – impov influenced by percussionist Tilo Matschke’s imagination.
Three of the festival ‘s nights will be dedicated to musicals: - 26th-28th of March - Uwe Matschke will act as musical director “Gorilla” visitors already know him as an inspiring escort through musical shows.
“Humor Losjen” from Mo i Rana will be the first ensemble to join us from Norway, and because our colleagues are travelling all the way from so very far away, they will of course have their very own show night. Up to now, “Crumbs” have been the only company we have honoured in this way. We do not need to introduce them any more! But we would like to mention that this time for the first time (!) “Crumbs” and “Gorillas” will perform together. Who else will be there? A whole lot of wonderful colleagues, from Germany and abroad!
After a 6-year break, we are looking forward to returning to a stage we played at during the first festival in 2001 - ” The English Theatre Berlin” (formerly “Friends of Italian Opera”) - which has been fantastically renovated.
Last but not least: our two Swiss colleagues from “Ohne Wiederholung” will put on “Kidsshow”.
And of course we offer workshops again, and invite all participants to join in the closing “open stage” production on the last day of the festival.
For more information please look at the next pages.
In pleasant anticipation,
Your Gorillas