IMPRO 2013 is an event organised by Gorilla Theater e.V.

The Festival Office
is located in the courtyard of Ratibortheater. It is open daily 13:00 - 19:00 from Wednesday, 13 March. Phone 030-618 61 99 for tickets and any other queries. We urgently recommend making reservations, either ➔ online, by phone directly at the individual ➔ theatres or by phoning the festival office.

Press contact
Marie Wellmann
Mobile: +49-(0)177 622 25 96
Phone: +49-(0)30-49808387
During the festival please use mobile number only.

Editors: Christoph Jungmann, Marie Wellmann
Translations: Mikesch Rohmer, Marie Wellmann
Photos: Christian Fessel, Matthias Fluhrer, Michael Flürenbrock, David Baltzer and Promo.